Don’t Be a Part of It!

Don’t Be a Part of It! is the working name of a documentary based mainly on the book Prostitution – Ett fritt valt yrke? En annorlunda rapport(Prostitution – A freely chosen profession? An unusual report) and the performance Non serviam. The aim is to investigate and create deeper insights into the conditions and problems of prostitution and trafficking and claims of “free choice,” by highlighting the child’s perspective and examining the four most important elements of the UN definition of human trafficking – coercion, violence, abuse of power and exploitation – in connection with prostitution.

Skärmklipp-Don't Be a Part Of It 2



The film project began with extensive research in 2009, which resulted in the report Prostitution – Ett fritt valt yrke? En annorlunda rapport. Unfortunately, lack of funding created difficulties in completing the documentary. But Aida Film intends to complete it as soon as the funding is in place.

By purchasing the book Prostitution – Ett fritt valt yrke? you support both SKR / Unizon and the documentary based on the report. Click here for more details about the book and how to buy it. Click here for more information on the documentary based on the report!